Finding the Hidden Money in Your Chart


A Western astrology course for finding the hidden money in your chart. More than 50 videos that list the meaning of planets in money houses as well as rulerships to money houses. Unlock your prosperity. Find the hidden money in your chart.

  • Would doing feng shui bring you more money – see example below
  • If you’re looking for motivation to press on in business – see example below
  • If you have a ton of ideas but are not executing – see example below
  • If you’re undecided about going back to school – see example below


A woman who was struggling to make money had the ruler of her 2nd house in the 12th house, which is a hidden house. However, the 12th house offers an opportunity through ritual, feng shui, and magic. She incorporated these practices, and her income rose dramatically.

A client of mine was having difficulty finding the motivation necessary to build his business. The ruler of his 2nd house was in the 5th house. From this, he realized that the bigger “why” was really about his kids and the life he wanted to provide for them. Now, he feels motivated every day.

A man I know was all talk about what he was going to do to make money but was taking very little action. He discovered that he has Gemini on the 2nd house, which is ruled by Mercury, a planet of communication. This helped him recognize that he needs to turn his ideas into an action plan that he can execute.

A woman asked me what the key would be to her making more money. The ruler of her 2nd house is in the 9th house, so the answer was education. She told me she was thinking about getting a PhD. Getting an advanced degree would boost her income.

Video Course: What are all the ways money can flow into your life? How can you get money to stay, grow, and accumulate? How can you uncork blocks and improve money flow? In this course, we’ll look at the natal aspects of the second, eighth, and eleventh house rulers to see how money comes into your life and what’s standing in the way of prosperity. We’ll discuss how to find career and business opportunities as well as how to receive money from others. By the end of this course, you’ll have actionable steps for releasing blocks so you can start to accumulate money.


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