Astrology Apprenticeships and Mentorships

Learn Astrology from an Astrologer with more than 30 years experience.

Be the guiding star for your family and friends

Become a professional Astrologer

Enhance your coaching/therapy business



  • Learn Astrology from an astrologer with more than 30 years professional experience.
  • Be the guiding star for your family and friends
  • Become a professional Astrologer
  • Enhance your coaching/therapy business


These are live lessons with Donna Stellhorn via Zoom. Lessons include new material as well as a review of the student’s questions and homework. There may be reading assignments and/or a self-study assignments.

In addition to the study of the fundamentals of signs, planets, and houses, course content can include:

Nodal Cycles – the North Node and the South Node help you define your purpose, explain why things are happening in your life, mark when your life could change, and what it takes to be happy and successful.

Derivative Houses – discovering the chart within the chart, reading about the partner, the children, the parents, and how their lives are going all through the natal chart of your client.
Retrograde Cycles – understanding retrograde in the natal chart and how they affect the person when transiting retrogrades occur.

Final Dispositors and Mutual Reception – understanding the heart of the chart. Finding the patterns that guide the person. Understanding rulerships and placements to better understand the person.

Synastry and Composite Charts – understanding relationship charts, putting two charts together and seeing compatibility, karma, and how to resolve difficulties. Looking at composite and Davidson charts to see compatibility and opportunities that may occur for the couple.

Predictive Techniques – using transits and derivative charts to predict upcoming events, dealing with difficult questions from clients, pinpointing points of change, and understanding why opportunities don’t show up when expected.

Progressions and Solar Arc – using progressed charts for delineating the soul’s progression as well as for prediction of events and big life opportunities.

Return Charts Including Solar, Lunar, and Planet Returns – using return charts for prediction, timing, and event planning.

Planetary Order – finding how the client moves through their chart, how they start things, how they finish things, and how this affects their relationships with others.

Financial Astrology – finding the money in the chart, analyzing the ability to make money, discerning the ability to accumulate money, and investment potential, windfall potential, and gambling opportunities.

Vocational Astrology – indications of potential career, talents, and hidden talents, suitability for types of working environments, relationships with employees, colleagues, and supervisors.

Astro-Cartography – learning how to use Astro-Cartography maps and help people find good places to live.

House Systems – an overview of the different house systems that are widely used, the pros and cons of each.

Midpoints – finding the sensitive points in the chart, how to interpret the chart when there are no clear aspects.

Horary and Electional Astrology – how to read a chart to answer a single question, how to use the consultation chart to hone in on your client’s core issues, how to find good dates for special events such as moving into a house, starting a business, getting married, etc.

Chart Analysis Proficiency – putting your knowledge to use as you synthesize the different elements in the chart into stories and metaphors that the client understands.

Good Chart Reading Skills – a focus on effective communication, dealing with different types of clients, how to handle difficult clients, and what you can expect from the client and what they expect from you.


Full apprenticeship: This includes 75 one-hour lessons via Zoom with Donna Stellhorn. Additionally, there will be assignments, practice readings, and video workshops. You can qualify for a completion certificate. All lessons need to be completed within two years. $8,999. Payment plans are available.

Professional Mentorships: If you have some experience with astrology and want to become a professional astrologer, this program could be for you. This program focuses on honing your techniques, helping you do live readings, and assisting you in starting your professional astrology business. You meet one hour per week via Zoom with Donna Stellhorn. Additionally, Donna will answer your questions by email. Three months of professional mentorship is $999.

Astrology Business Coaching: Coaching sessions to help you transition from being a student to becoming a professional astrologer. While we can cover astrological topics, this focuses on removing mental and emotional blocks to your prosperity, building your client base, and handling the business side of your astrology practice. One month of coaching includes four one-hour Zoom sessions with Donna Stellhorn, as well as email assistance. $399. A three-month package is $999.


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